Frequency is the Future

what is healy
They say you don’t pick Healy, Healy picks you. This was absolutely true for me. I believe I magnetized Healy into my life to transform my life and then share it with you.
Healy is a portable electro magnetic frequency device. It was created based on the principles of Nikola Tesla, Einstein, and many other scientific studies centered on utilizing energetic frequencies via the quantum field.
Healy works directly with an app on your smart phone or tablet. There are 2 apps Healy works directly with; (1) app contains programs that send direct micro current to you individually and (2nd) app is an advisor/analyze program scanner that is able to send frequencies both individually & remotely.
There are other devices out there that work with electro magnetic frequencies, but Healy’s unique quantum sensor has the ability to tap into your energetic blueprint unlike anything I have ever experienced before. I am an intuitive healer, and I often say Healy is way more intuitive than me.
If you’ve been exploring options on/or looking for a pathway to reclaim your health via mind-body-spirit HEALY will find its way to you. Healy is unlike anything I have personally ever done or worked with. I have been devoted to the work of wellness mentally for 30 years and physically as a healing practitioner for 18 years. Healy has finally given me the ability to fully empower myself in every aspect for both mental and physical health. I am not not a medical professional. I am a intuitive holistic coach. I am speaking from my personal experience and the experience of what my clients have shared with me. I believe we each get to do and choose what works for us. I am here to share my incredible experience and offer the resources of what Healy has given to me.
You are an energetic being and everything on this planet is made up of energy. Frequencies enable you to recharge your cellular blueprint. I feel like it is tapping into the fountain of youth. I would love to help you transform your life with Healy.

“if you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration. “
nikola tesla
— Squarespace