The Path to Healy
They say you don’t pick Healy, Healy picks you. I couldn’t agree with this more.
But what exactly is Healy and how can it transform your life?
Healy is a portable electro magnetic frequency device. Created from the principles of Nicholas Tesla, Einstein, and the other scientific studies of energetic findings of the quantum field. It works directly with in our own human energetic blueprint. It is able to scan your body & detect where energy is deficient or depleted. You select specific programs for the area in the body needing the most attention, or Healy helps you to select the programs. Micro current frequencies are sent directly into your cellular body via the device and chords that attach to armbands (or electro sensor pads). The device syncs up with an app on your smart phone or tablet to run the programs. There are 2 apps available; one for the micro current and one for Analyzing/Scanning you personally or other people, places, objects. The quantum field is endless and so is Healy in its abilities to utilize frequency support.
Remote frequency is an option and a part of working with Healy. Did that get your attention? I hope so, because this is one of the many reasons it is so incredibly special.
Electro magnetic frequency wellness has been around for many, many years. The benefits are well documented. Healy was created to put that power of frequency regeneration into your own hands. It is a pathway to raising your vibration and energetic field, and ultimately optimize your over all mind~body~spirit life force.